Sunday, September 28, 2008

Great Day at Brookdale Center with the Minnesota Knitters Guild

Steven and the Glitter Knitter gang in their continued strong support of the Minnesota Knitters Guild were at The Brookdale Mall in Brooklyn Center with a truckload of Yarn and Joy and a lot of Yarn Garage Knitters including the Urban Knitters and the Glitter Knitter Gang. We had a blast.  You can see a short movie of the action on YouTube here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back in the USA at Urban Knitters

For a fantastic Sunday afternoon, Steven met with a crowd in the back room at The Wilde Roast Cafe in North East Minneapolis. Besides working on their own individual projects, the gang listened to Steven tell of the newest ideas and directions from England, particularly the new and trend information from Rowan Industries. They saw a slideshow of the British "Cast Off to England" trip. There were other travelers there from the trip who shared their experiences.

We had fun, played with new projects and continued on our own fiber creations. The fantastic Wilde Roast food and beverages rounded out the Fiber Party

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bakewell England then Rowan Industries

On the last full day in England we went to the world headquarters of Rowan Industries, Inc and then drove back to an airport hotel in Manchester for the flight home the next day.  At Rowan we were given a high tea and saw the storyboards for the Fall Rowan Magazine and all the fall colors and ideas that will be in it.  Rowan folks took a strong interest in the work that Steven is doing in the US and talked about some future plans for more cooperation with Steven and his work of exciting folks about fiber arts.  We will return and perhaps soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bakewell England with The Glitter Knitter

Continuing in Merry Olde England, we are in Bakewell, England in the heart of the Peak District. It is awesome. In the Morning Steven did a class in the town hall including local knitters. He taught us the Magic Ball Knitting Technique which excited us and the Brits. Also they do not cast on nor knit like we do at the Yarn Garage and all day he was showing the Yarn Garage technique to all the Knitters. In the afternoon some of the group went out at noon to tour Chatsworth, the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. The rest of us got in some fun shopping. At three we joined the others at Chatsworth where we had a high tea. In the evening we had a joint session with the people from Wye Needlecraft. The propritors, Dean Goodings and Elizabeth Marsland, made the Yarn Garage crew right at home and we continued to teach the Brits some Yarn Garage secrets. It was all fun and entertaining and interesting. Wish you could be here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day Two of the Rowan 30th Anniversary workshop

We had another great day at the Rowan 30th Anniversary Workshop at the Northern Lights Center.  We all learned new things to knit with.  We were there from 9:30 AM until 4 PM and then we went to a fabulous Indian Restaurant, Mumtaz, and had various curry dishes.  Then it was home and knit some more and to get some sleep for another day tomorrow of knitting and shopping.  We all enjoyed the Rowan Experience and they enjoyed us.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Learning new things at the Rowan 30th Anniversary Workshop

Right after breakfast at The Rock Hotel, Hollywell Green, Halifax, West Yorkshire, we went to the Northern Lights Gallery which was closed and reserved for the Rowan 30th Anniversary Workshop. All of our knitters, including Bob, learned new techniques from the Rowan Designer team and started on projects for the weekend. We kint from 9:30 AM to 4 PM with breaks for coffee and tea in the morning and afternoon and a light lunch. It was fun, amazing and tiring. After that we stopped at a store and went for dinner on our own at the hotel dining room. It was a great day.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Afternoon in Merry Old England and at Rowan's Anniversary

We spent the afternoon shopping in Holmforth, visiting a wonderful little deli and then the local Rowan Yarn Shop.  In the evening we were the special guests of Rowan at their Anniversary Exhibit.   They had the complete 30 year history of the company on display in magazine, book and actual product.  It was awesome. Following that, we had dinner in town with all of us breaking up.  Steven and I had dinner with a number of people at a fantastic Argentinian Restaurant where we cooked our own Prawn on a hot rock right at the table.

Friday Morning in Merry Old England

A Raining and cold English late summer morning gave us a great breakfast and then a workshop with Steven, The Glitter Knitter.  We all talked about our favorite projects or the ones we are doing on the trip.  Around noon we boarded the bus and went into Holmforth for some SHOPPING.  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dinner and The Rock Hotel

This Northern English country is amazing. The Hotel is great and we had an amazing dinner. We met Felicity, a little Brit girl taking care of her doll, so cute. Everyone is very pleased with the arrangements and the people here. It is a grand place for knitters.

Day One of the Cast Off to England Tour

It is about 9:30 PM, Central England Daylight time and our tired group of travelers has arrived at THE ROCK hotel, on the outskirts of Halifax, England. We knit all the way. We met various exciting Brits and nationals from other nations. Tomorrow we begin education with a special opening class from Steven, the Glitter Knitter. The weather is cool and wet and typically English. We are having a blast.