Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wild time at Wilde Roast with the Urban Knitters

Every other Sunday, Steven, The Glitter Knitter, meets with a wild group of fiber artists at Wilde Roast, in Northeast Minneapolis.  This Sunday, Christa Berg, Steven's mom, who has her own shop in middle Wisconsin, was onboard teaching right along with her son.  This is always an occasion for new ideas, new techniques, new products just arrived at the Yarn Garage, and some fantastic deals for the folks who come out.  Great fiber fun was had by all.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Glitter Knitter Jam at Starbucks

One of the very few things you can be sure of around Steven Berg, the Glitter Knitter, is that fashion fibers will abound and deals will flow. This evening a gang of folks were at the Rosemount Starbucks for the Glitter Knitter Jam. Baskets of new stock and hundreds of ideas and show and tells and fashion knitting knowledge flowed around the tables with Steven at the helm and Christa, the Senior Glitter knitter in attendance with Bob White on the violin serenading the entire crew. We got 100% of our daily fiber needs as established by the GKFA, (Glitter Knitter Fiber Authority). Steven unveiled all the hottest new trends for Fall/Winter 2008/2009. We witnessed Steven's cureall for Holiday Gift Giving. We fought the financial downturn with our handmade gifts created with love. There was an astounding felted scarf with sewn and felted adornments. There were Angora wonders, and Christa brought some fashion fasteners milled from wood by a Wisconsin artisian. Many of these items are only available from Steven at the Yarn Garage. Ohhhs and Ahhhhs abounded with fresh and exciting revelations from Steven and Christa. Wish you could have been there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's Happening at Wilde Roast.

What is it that goes on in that back room on East Hennepin? Certainly no political agenda. What does Steven have in the strangely shaped bag he just got in? What specials will he have for those brave souls who venture into the back room?  Well, we found out this afternoon at Wilde Roast with the Urban Knitters.  You have to come if you want to be in on the know.  Some very special fall secrets were shared with a special preview of some of the newest stock that just came in this week.

What a blast and how fun it is to get the inside scoop. Hats off to the gang of the Glitter Knitters.