Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Urban Knitters at Wilde Roast

It was a Wild Holiday Sunday at Wilde Roast today. Steven was there with last minute assistance for knitters with Holiday Stallout. He showed some super yarn with super prices for the attendees, Ozark Handspun for a super quick and fun, 2 skein, winter hat with flaps and a tie. It was particularly apt for this icy day. We can't even tell you of the super prices he gave to the attendees. Urban Knitters is going to be on again January 11th and then every other week following, every two weeks. You need to get reservations to Steven to be a part of this. Get on his mailing list so you know everything that is happening with the Glitter Knitter and the Yarn Garage. Click here to get on the email list.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We support Ravelry

One of the benefits of the electronic web age is that there are resources available that make it easier for us to find ideas and keep track of our own projects.  We are advocates of Ravelry because it will help you with lots of resources and give you all kinds of ideas.  You have to apply for membership but they will accept you very fast.  They are a free community but you need to be a member.

Go there by clicking here.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Great Parties with the Glitter Knitter

Sunday the Urban Knitters met at the Yarn Garage Shop for a magnificent party. Lori prepared lots of super snacks and Steven, the Glitter Knitter was in full regalia. Lots of holiday fun was had with some special attention to hints and fixes on the Holiday knitting. The shop and the Rosemount Florists shop attached were full of frivolity and joy.

You have to see the new shop arrangement and new stock that Steven has brought for the Holidays. Comments on were glowing about the shop.

" Have you been to the YG lately? I walked in the other day and almost fell over. You can see the ceiling! And yarn is stored in bins. It still has that eclectic, slightly disorganized charm, but it feels more open. Cool."

"My mom and I ... decided to swing by Yarn Garage. She had never been there before and was quite overwhelmed by the massive amounts of yarn contained in the shop. It was fun and of course Stephen was great along with the rest of the staff."

"I haven’t had a chance to get over there yet, but I can’t wait to see it. I’ve heard lots of good things. And the knitting area is now up in front by the window, I’m told. Yay!"

"I just stopped in today and all I have to say is WOW! There is still the same great selection (and awesome service), but the shop feels more open and better lit. I encourage others to stop by and see the new look. :)"

"Nothing compares to the shop, Steven, and the fantasmagorical selection of yarns and accessories. I am a new knitter but the shop inspires me and it is a grand place to just go and knit and hang out."

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Afternoon at the Yarn Garage

The Yarn Garage is as close as your dreams. Here is a group from the Northern Twin Cities Suburbs, hearing about the Yarn Garage, they came down and met with Steven. They will be back. This is now their yarn store. The Yarn Garage is as near as your dream projects. Steven has it all there. Come on in and see for yourself. We have people who have come from all over the world to the Yarn Garage.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wonderful Day at Wilde Roast

It was a grand Urban Knitter's gathering at Wilde Roast.  There was not enough room in the conference room and the crowd spilled out into the main restaurant/coffee shop.  We are getting so many people at Wilde Roast that we will have to figure out something to accommodate all the new people.  

Steven had the regular show and tell. He showed some new products and new knitting methods including "Square Needles".  You have to ask him about that when you meet Steven, the Glitter Knitter.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Apple Valley, Minnesota has an Art Fair every fall and this one, we decided to go to.  Steven - our own Glitter Knitter, Cassidy - the Glitter Knitter Assistant, Lori and Bob were all there.  Hundreds of folks flocked in and were dazzled by the Glitter Knitter creations and the wonderful and outrageous yarns and patterns.  Bob played fiddle with Michael Monroe for a couple of  tunes.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Knit while you wait to Vote, and VOTE.

Cassidy Schuster, Steven's Assistant, took his knitting to the polls today and recruited some of the other folks during the two hour wait to stop out and visit at the Yarn Garage and meet Steven. He is currently working on a wonderful felted bag. People were astonished and a couple of knitters wished they were knitting. A woman in line had been out to the Yarn Garage. Knitting is everywhere you want it to be.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wild time at Wilde Roast with the Urban Knitters

Every other Sunday, Steven, The Glitter Knitter, meets with a wild group of fiber artists at Wilde Roast, in Northeast Minneapolis.  This Sunday, Christa Berg, Steven's mom, who has her own shop in middle Wisconsin, was onboard teaching right along with her son.  This is always an occasion for new ideas, new techniques, new products just arrived at the Yarn Garage, and some fantastic deals for the folks who come out.  Great fiber fun was had by all.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Glitter Knitter Jam at Starbucks

One of the very few things you can be sure of around Steven Berg, the Glitter Knitter, is that fashion fibers will abound and deals will flow. This evening a gang of folks were at the Rosemount Starbucks for the Glitter Knitter Jam. Baskets of new stock and hundreds of ideas and show and tells and fashion knitting knowledge flowed around the tables with Steven at the helm and Christa, the Senior Glitter knitter in attendance with Bob White on the violin serenading the entire crew. We got 100% of our daily fiber needs as established by the GKFA, (Glitter Knitter Fiber Authority). Steven unveiled all the hottest new trends for Fall/Winter 2008/2009. We witnessed Steven's cureall for Holiday Gift Giving. We fought the financial downturn with our handmade gifts created with love. There was an astounding felted scarf with sewn and felted adornments. There were Angora wonders, and Christa brought some fashion fasteners milled from wood by a Wisconsin artisian. Many of these items are only available from Steven at the Yarn Garage. Ohhhs and Ahhhhs abounded with fresh and exciting revelations from Steven and Christa. Wish you could have been there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's Happening at Wilde Roast.

What is it that goes on in that back room on East Hennepin? Certainly no political agenda. What does Steven have in the strangely shaped bag he just got in? What specials will he have for those brave souls who venture into the back room?  Well, we found out this afternoon at Wilde Roast with the Urban Knitters.  You have to come if you want to be in on the know.  Some very special fall secrets were shared with a special preview of some of the newest stock that just came in this week.

What a blast and how fun it is to get the inside scoop. Hats off to the gang of the Glitter Knitters.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Great Day at Brookdale Center with the Minnesota Knitters Guild

Steven and the Glitter Knitter gang in their continued strong support of the Minnesota Knitters Guild were at The Brookdale Mall in Brooklyn Center with a truckload of Yarn and Joy and a lot of Yarn Garage Knitters including the Urban Knitters and the Glitter Knitter Gang. We had a blast.  You can see a short movie of the action on YouTube here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back in the USA at Urban Knitters

For a fantastic Sunday afternoon, Steven met with a crowd in the back room at The Wilde Roast Cafe in North East Minneapolis. Besides working on their own individual projects, the gang listened to Steven tell of the newest ideas and directions from England, particularly the new and trend information from Rowan Industries. They saw a slideshow of the British "Cast Off to England" trip. There were other travelers there from the trip who shared their experiences.

We had fun, played with new projects and continued on our own fiber creations. The fantastic Wilde Roast food and beverages rounded out the Fiber Party

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bakewell England then Rowan Industries

On the last full day in England we went to the world headquarters of Rowan Industries, Inc and then drove back to an airport hotel in Manchester for the flight home the next day.  At Rowan we were given a high tea and saw the storyboards for the Fall Rowan Magazine and all the fall colors and ideas that will be in it.  Rowan folks took a strong interest in the work that Steven is doing in the US and talked about some future plans for more cooperation with Steven and his work of exciting folks about fiber arts.  We will return and perhaps soon.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bakewell England with The Glitter Knitter

Continuing in Merry Olde England, we are in Bakewell, England in the heart of the Peak District. It is awesome. In the Morning Steven did a class in the town hall including local knitters. He taught us the Magic Ball Knitting Technique which excited us and the Brits. Also they do not cast on nor knit like we do at the Yarn Garage and all day he was showing the Yarn Garage technique to all the Knitters. In the afternoon some of the group went out at noon to tour Chatsworth, the home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. The rest of us got in some fun shopping. At three we joined the others at Chatsworth where we had a high tea. In the evening we had a joint session with the people from Wye Needlecraft. The propritors, Dean Goodings and Elizabeth Marsland, made the Yarn Garage crew right at home and we continued to teach the Brits some Yarn Garage secrets. It was all fun and entertaining and interesting. Wish you could be here.