Wednesday, September 9, 2009

At Wilde Roast with the Urban Knitters Group

The Glitter Knitter drapes a newly completed entrelock scarf that Ardys created. I think this is one of her new favorite techniques. Also, one of Steven's favorite classes to teach.

Linda models her nearly complete modular knit triangle wrap. This project is an amazing collage of fibers that is extremely time consuming but makes for an awesome knitting journey.

Ann models her project completion started at the last Urban Knitters when Steven Held a class on Mobius knitting. This is an amazing project and a must make for fall. Call the Yarn Garage to set up a class with Steven.

Judy enjoys one of the fabulous lunches at Wilde Roast. Ann is working on her "Jackie-O" fall sweater will Linda nears the end of a luxurious ribbon wrap. These ladies have all gone on at least one of the Glitter Knitter Knitting adventures...Caribbean and/or England. You will have to join us next summer.

Sallie returns to Urban Knitters after a busy summer. She listens to the story of the new StevenBe studio and receives the private invite. Sallie has won an amazing award at the state fair for one of her original rug hooking creations. Hopefully, she will grace us with her talents and StevenBe this winter.

Barb looks on while knitting her ponchini as our return guest Sharon joins in the fun with a roaring chuckle about "shawls at the Lake Harriet Band shell" You had to be there.

Suzanne has become a pillar of the Urban Knitter group. We have captured her showing her out of town guest and sister-in-law, Annette some of Steven's exciting trunk show items. Our LA Urban knitter fell in love with so many of Steven's fibers she probably had to buy an extra suitcase to return home. HA!

The Glitter Knitter doing his own project runway with the samples from Karabella's book Runway Knits. Be sure and stop in the shop to see these amazing knits from an amazing New York, Berta Karapetyan. This book has 30 incredible designs.

Yet another new Urban Knitter. Mama Christa teaches Lori the good old fashioned German cast on. Mom also sports the days free pattern...the cascading ruffled, sequined neck frolic.

1 comment:

RuthieJ said...

Thanks for sharing all these photos of your talented knitters. I love Ann's Mobius and want to make one for myself! I think a trip from Rochester is in my future (before the snow flurries start flying!)